Thursday, August 21, 2014

Corley Piper & Sarah Ruedger Engagement session

I cannot believe I forgot to make a post here again! Sheesh, Angela! Catch up!

In July, I had a wonderful time on a beautiful day taking pictures of my best friend and her soon to be husband. This coming October, I will stand beside my girl as she marries the man that she loves. Here are a few favorites from the session.
We had a blast taking pictures at a zoo that the two love to frequent and it really made for a special and unique set of pictures as opposed to my usual shooting locations!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Thrush-Jessup Family Pictures

Just over seven months ago, the absolute greatest thing in the world happened to me; I became an aunt. This wonderful, sweet, giggly little stubborn butt girl has filled my heart with solid joy from the night she was born.

Now, she's seven months old, getting closer and closer to crawling every day and bringing sheer joy to everyone in her life just by existing.

Yesterday, I spent a couple of beautiful summer hours taking pictures of her and her parents. This was a two-part shoot, because when we tried at the six month mark, little miss Annabelle was being quite the grumpypants. Yesterday was a different story.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Welcoming Annabelle Kay Jessup

Boy, am I falling behind on this blog! I get so used to posting pictures to the Facebook page that I tend to neglect this blog a lot!

On December 4th, my dear niece made her entrance into the world. Just a couple of weeks later, I had the absolute blast of getting to take her first pictures. I'll let this little beauty speak for herself because truth be told, there are not enough words in the world to express just how amazing this little sweetie is. I sure do love you, Annabelle Kay. ~Aunt Ang~

Monday, October 28, 2013

Awaiting Annabelle Kay Jessup!

Nearly ten years ago, I watched my best friend fall in love. The guy she met seemed pretty awesome and over the past decade, he has become someone I cherish in my life as a brother as much as I love her as a sister.
All that time later, and the two of them still hold hands when they're anywhere together and look at each other and smile and leave me with the warmest feeling of respect and admiration for both of them.

Now, they're expecting their first child, a daughter, to be named Annabelle Kay. I cannot express how excited I am for the two of them. Listening to them talk about the child they haven't met yet with so much love and excitement... it's just heart-warming and wonderful. I had the joy of capturing much of that warmth on a beautiful Sunday afternoon:  Here are just a few of those pictures. :)