Monday, October 28, 2013

Awaiting Annabelle Kay Jessup!

Nearly ten years ago, I watched my best friend fall in love. The guy she met seemed pretty awesome and over the past decade, he has become someone I cherish in my life as a brother as much as I love her as a sister.
All that time later, and the two of them still hold hands when they're anywhere together and look at each other and smile and leave me with the warmest feeling of respect and admiration for both of them.

Now, they're expecting their first child, a daughter, to be named Annabelle Kay. I cannot express how excited I am for the two of them. Listening to them talk about the child they haven't met yet with so much love and excitement... it's just heart-warming and wonderful. I had the joy of capturing much of that warmth on a beautiful Sunday afternoon:  Here are just a few of those pictures. :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Angela Faye Photography Contest

It is a beautiful day out, folks! Makes you think of summer pictures, right? 
So, I was thinking, a lot of small businesses like mine often have competitions and the like, with prizes of course, so I think it is time for my first one for AngelaFayePhotography. Here is how how this will work. 
Today, I noticed that there are 130 people who like this page on Facebook. (Thanks, by the way!!!) I'd like to hit 200. 70 people isn't very much, but it is still a lot more traffic here to my website, increasing my business, which is always a plus!
So, here is what we do! Share this status and I will enter your name into a drawing. I'll draw a name out of everyone's from a box on Monday, May 20th, 2013. The winner will get a free photography session to use for family pictures, pet pictures, baby pictures, maternity pictures or half-price on Senior Pictures!

That's it! Get sharing, folks and Good luck!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Hello everyone. I just wanted to drop by and inform everyone that if you aren't already booked with me for a wedding this summer, I'm full up for the year. With my other job, and deciding to go back to school, I don't have time for any more weddings this year. If you have already booked with me, no worries. Your date is saved.

Mitchell Morford: Vestaburg Class of 2013

Last Winter, I had an end of the year photo shoot for a young man for his senior pictures. Here are some favorites. Congrats to Mitchell Morford and the Senior Class of 2013!